Buried Penis

Buried penis, also known as hidden penis, is a medical problem that causes the penis to appear much shorter than normal in size. This problem, which usually occurs in babies and young children, can also be seen in adult men, although it is more rare.

The main reason why the buried penis condition, which occurs when the skin layer and excess fat layer in the area hide the penis, occurs in adult men is obesity.

While the reason why the penis appears shorter is that it is hidden in the folds on the thighs, belly or scrotum, this problem can simultaneously cause many physical and psychological disorders.

Gömük Penis

What are the Causes of Buried Penis?

In the case of a buried penis, which may develop as a congenital anomaly or occur later, approximately two-thirds, and sometimes more, of the penis is buried.

In this problem, which can also be called a hidden penis, the person’s penis is actually of normal length. Therefore, it is important not to confuse this group of patients with micropenis patients.

In addition, it is better to wait 6-12 months before circumcision for male babies born with this problem. It is also known that there is a possibility for the buried penis to heal spontaneously during this period. For cases that do not improve within this period, an appropriate treatment method can be planned.

On the other hand, a buried penis can develop due to factors including:

  • In the majority of patients with an invisible penis problem, which occurs as a congenital anomaly, the source of the problem is that the suspensory ligament that connects the penis to the structures in the lower region is not developed or strengthened.
  • Buried penis can be seen as a result of the increasing obesity disease in our country and around the world. The reason for this is that the fat layer around the genital area and in the abdomen is positioned to contain the penis.
  • In some cases, incorrect circumcision can also become an important factor in the formation of a buried penis. If the skin is cut too little or more than normal during the procedure, the remaining skin around the penis can visually shorten the length of the penis.
  • Lymphedema, which occurs as a result of the accumulation of lymph fluid in the scrotum area, can cause the penis to remain hidden within the tissue. Additionally, some types of cancer can also cause blockage of lymph channels. In such a case, edema accumulates in the penis or testicles and paves the way for the formation of a buried penis.
  • Penis problems may develop as a result of complications of some surgeries or trauma to the genital area. The reason for this is the swelling and scar tissues formed in the area.
  • Lichen sclerosus, which causes skin tissue thinning and is among autoimmune patients, also plays a role in the formation of a hidden penis. On the other hand, hidradenitis suppurativa, a disease that can be seen especially in the area where people have sebaceous and sweat glands, is also one of the causes of buried penis.

How Does Penis Development Happen in Buried Penis?

If the problem with a buried penis is congenital, the factor causing this condition is basically the abnormal development of the penis shaft. Due to this situation, unusual problems may occur in the tissues and fat layers around the penis.

However, the connective tissue that attaches the penis to the bone in the back area is looser and weaker in this group of patients.

On the other hand, fatty tissues accumulated in the groin area also restrict the visibility of the penis. This problem, which should in no way be considered as a small or short penis, is characterized by the normal-sized penis being covered by the scrotum skin. Accordingly, many functional problems may arise in the person.

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