Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Erectile Dysfunction)


The medical name of the disease, also known as penis erection problem or also known as impotence problem, is erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common male sexual health problems all over the world.

Even if the problem is only biological, it is a disease that must be evaluated with the accompanying psychological, sociological and cultural differences.

Therefore, in terms of its consequences, it is not only a problem for the sick individual, but also a disease that negatively affects his/her spouse, children as it disrupts family communication, and the entire social environment with which the sick individual communicates.

The following article discusses biological factors related to erectile dysfunction in the form of questions and answers for informational purposes. It should not be forgotten that a physician’s evaluation is necessary for correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Erectile Dysfunction – What is Erectile Dysfunction?

The inability to achieve the erection in the penis, which is necessary for a satisfactory and sustainable sexual intercourse, or the failure to maintain the initial erection in the penis is known as erectile dysfunction.

The medical name for erectile dysfunction is erectile dysfunction. Previously, the Latin expression “impotence” was used more frequently in medicine.

Since it means weakness or impotence when translated into Turkish, the term impotence has been used instead of the term erectile dysfunction for many years in our society.

Over the years, instead of the expression “power” attributed to the penis, the term “erectile dysfunction”, which clearly expresses the problem in a more accurate and biological sense, has begun to be used.

Is Only the Patient Affected by Erectile Dysfunction?

Even though it does not seem to be a serious problem in practical life, it is actually an important health problem that seriously affects the physical, psychological and social life of the person and his/her partner.

A serious deterioration is observed in the quality of life of couples with this problem, and their family communication, family peace and happiness are significantly negatively affected.

For this reason, erectile dysfunction is not only a men’s problem but also an important health problem that concerns both men and women in the family. Erectile dysfunction is not only a man’s problem but also a serious disorder that negatively affects his female partner. In short, it is a health problem that affects two people.

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