Vasectomy (Cord and Tubal Ligation)

Birth control method is frequently used in women. Among these methods, oral medications, intrauterine devices and tubal ligation are most commonly used. Each of these prevents pregnancy with different mechanisms.

With all these methods, pregnancy is prevented and the possibility of giving birth to an unplanned child is eliminated. Since birth control methods are mostly accepted and applied by women, women are the first to come to mind when this concept is discussed.

Birth control methods are used with increasing frequency, and methods that include these men are preferred. The methods used in men are much simpler than in women, but they are used less commonly than in women.

What are the Birth Control Methods for Men?

Erkekler İçin Doğum Kontrol Yöntemleri Nelerdir?

We will try to explain the birth control methods used in men under certain headings below:

Methods Creating Physical Barriers

The main purpose of this birth control method is to prevent the passage of sperm by creating a physical barrier. These applications for the sperm-carrying channels in men are very important and effective.

The methods most preferred by men all over the world are those based on the principle of creating a physical barrier.




Experimental vasoocclusion treatments

Methods to Prevent Sperm Production

These practices are not currently included in our clinical practice. They are mostly applied for research and development purposes as experimental methods.

Some hormones secreted from the pituitary gland in the brain mix with the blood, reach the testicles and trigger sperm formation from the testicles. Applications made for this purpose are of two types:

Experimental hormonal treatments

Experimental non-hormonal treatments

Methods That Affect Sperm Functions by Impairing them

The target of this birth control method is sperm. Pregnancy is prevented by killing sperm, preventing their production, or preventing the sperm released into the vagina after ejaculation from fertilizing the woman’s egg.

They prevent the sperm-egg meeting by acting by killing the live sperms formed after the sperm are produced or by reducing their motility.

  • spermicides
  • Experimental antimotility agents (those that reduce sperm motility)

Which is the most commonly used birth control method in men?

The most commonly used birth control method among men in our country and around the world is the withdrawal method. This is followed by use and vasectomy.

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